Tel: 604.370.ASLP (604.370.2757)
Fax: 604.448.0176
Samantha graduated with her Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECCE) from Langara College in 2015. She continued her education journey by obtaining her Bachelor's Degree in ECCE as well as her Infant and Toddler and Special Needs Certificates from Capilano University in 2019. Samantha is currently a student attending the University of British Columbia and taking the necessary prerequisite courses before applying to the Masters of Speech-Language Pathology Program to eventually become a Speech-Language Pathologist.
She has always been passionate about working with young children and being a key part of their growth and learning. Volunteering with Advantage SLP has broadened this desire and allowed her the opportunity to work alongside not only younger children, but also older individuals who acquire the same love and care. This has been highly rewarding, and Samantha looks forward to future clients in her volunteering experiences to continue to strengthen her abilities.
Besides her education and interests, Samantha works as a Child and Youth Programmer, a Behavioural Interventionist and a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant. She also volunteers with the Canucks Autism Network and of course, Advantange SLP!
When Samantha isn't studying, working or volunteering, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, listening to music, doing yoga and meditation, and drinking way too many green tea lattes!